Friday, February 23, 2018

The Youth Mobility Index (YMI)

Learn Internet Governance

The Dot Asia is out with its Youth Mobility Index (YMI.Asia) commemorating the first decade of .Asia, and building on our dedication and knowledge in supporting youth engagement and development in the region, a special taskforce was commissioned to look into an initiative that could become a beacon for DotAsia into the future.
The DotAsia Organisation is celebrating our 10 year anniversary of launching the .Asia global Top-Level-Domain.

According to Dot Asia, " Driven by an Asia-wide vision, the YMI framework hopes to provide a robust set of tools to measure, understand and cultivate mobility relevant for the younger generation, and to further enhance regional collaboration, inform government policies and influence corporate behaviours to support mobility as a competitive advantage shared across Asia in a brain-sharing paradigm.  At DotAsia, we believe the attractiveness of the .Asia domain is built on the attractiveness of the region for business and for social development and the mobility of young Asians to make a difference for Asia. The fruition of YMI ties back into the success of .Asia, reinforcing regional collaboration. Next time you are thinking of starting something from Asia or for Asia, think of making it happen on a .Asia domain name!"
